First day

Monday, my first day on the job, started easily enough. I came in at 10 a.m., after the live show had finished (it runs from 6-10 a.m., EST), and started my day by meeting with my new boss. I also got a temporary desk to sit at, which is right next to the stairway which leads up to where Radiolab and On The Media, so there’s a chance the fanboy in me might spot Jad or Brooke.

After my first meeting, I had another meeting, and then another meeting. I met our managing editor and our general manager. After that was an editorial meeting and then a training in a social media “optimization” application called Social Flow (it sends out your tweets based on when the relevant topic is trending and then allows you to track engagement tweet by tweet). Then my new co-worker (who was also starting today) and I ate lunch in a little café a few blocks from the station that reminded me a lot of Portland. They didn’t take cash, there was art on the walls, a lot of vegan food, and a gaggle of hipsters on fixies sitting around out front. Once back at WNYC, I had more meetings with different staff members, an afternoon editorial meeting (they usually hold two per day). My co-worker and I finished up the day with two brief meetings with associate producers for the show who have taken an interest in digital content production. Allies are great, and it sounds like I’m going to have a lot of them.

After work I went out for dinner with an old Couchsurfing friend in Hell’s Kitchen. I got home way too late, considering I had to be at work at 5 a.m. the next morning, but it ended up not making much of a difference because I couldn’t get to sleep anyway. The next morning I started at 5 a.m. and continued working for most of the day. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to give that update, plus another for Wednesday, tomorrow.